About Us

The United Grand Lodge of England is the Governing body for over two hundred thousand Freemasons meeting in over 6,800 Lodges worldwide. In the UK, Lodges are grouped into either the Metropolitan Grand Lodge or Provincial Grand Lodges.  Most of the “overseas” Lodges are grouped into Districts, each headed by a District Grand Master appointed by Grand Lodge. The only real difference between Districts and Provinces is that Districts are given somewhat more power to run their own affairs. This is an historical anomaly probably resulting from the length of time it took for communications between Districts and Grand Lodge. It could be argued that with modern communications methods there should now be no distinction between Districts and Provinces; however, Freemasonry loves its traditions!

In New Zealand there are two District Grand Lodges, The North Island and the South Island.  The District Grand Lodge of North Island, has twenty four Lodges and meets in towns as far apart as Wellington and Kerikeri.  This map shows the approximate locations of our Lodge rooms, some of which are home to more than one Lodge. From this, you can see that the North Island is well catered for with English Constitution Lodges throughout the Island.

At the top of the District hierarchy is the District Grand Master (DGM) who has a Deputy and two Assistant District Grand Masters as well as a number of District Grand Officers whose main duties are ceremonial.

Answerable to the DGM for the administration of the District are three committees. These are the Board of General Purposes, The Chapter Committee of General Purposes and the Board of Trustees of the North Island English District Masonic Charitable Trust. In addition, the District has one paid employee, the District Grand Secretary who has an office in the English Masonic Centre at Ellerslie, Auckland. All of these appointments and committees are filled by members (past masters) of the various Lodges within the District.

Each Lodge within the District has a Master who is elected by the members of that Lodge to rule over the Lodge for a period of one year. The Lodges have a team of officers appointed by the Master or elected by the members to administer and provide ceremonial for the Lodge.

The Book of Constitutions (a copy of which can be read on this site) contains the rules and regulations which govern all aspects of the inter-relationships between Lodges, Districts and Grand Lodge as well as the administration, control and behaviour of Masons at all levels.

I am not young enough to know everything.

― Oscar Wilde | Freemason

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The Supreme Grand Chapter