North Island Lodges

List of North Island Lodges

1188 Alexandra Lodge Hamilton

Lodge History:

The Alexandra Lodge received its charter in 1867 and originally met in Alexandra, now called Pirongia in the Western part of the Waikato. The rough terrain and climatic conditions of the area made farming very difficult those early days.

When many of its ex-colonial soldier, settler/farmer members moved away from the area to gold-mine on the Coromandel or dig for kauri gum on the Hauraki Plains, the number of Lodge members fell significantly. The Lodge subsequently moved to Hamilton.

Today, it continues to meet on a regular basis in the Waikato Masonic Centre that it shares with two NZ Constitution Lodges and a number of other Masonic organisations. Alexandra follows the ceremonial practices of the Lodge of Emulation, No 21.

Meeting at the Waikato Masonic Centre, 298 Barton St, Hamilton.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the first Thursday of each month with the exception of January and February.

Tyling is at 7:30pm.

The Installation meeting is in December

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Steve Wood

Phone: 021 040 1766



2300 Aorangi Lodge Wellington

Lodge History:

Aorangi Lodge was opened 23 November 1888 having been sponsored by St John’s Lodge No 1888 in Featherston. The Charter is dated 14th February 1889. The Lodge was formed largely by members of the legal and civil service fraternity who were members of Wellington Lodge, but decided that Wellington deserved another English Constitution Lodge. It maintains a “Sister Lodge” relationship with Wellington Lodge and they are the two remaining English Constitution Lodges in the city.

During its’ early years it numbered a Governor-General of New Zealand, senior members of the G-Gs staff as well as several distinguished military men and medical practitioners among its ranks.

Initially the Lodge met in the lodge rooms in Boulcott St, later moving to The Terrace. In 1966 it held its meetings Ngatoto St in Ngaio, then in 1981 moved to the new lodge building in Tinakori Rd. In 1991 the Lodge moved to Phillip Street, Johnsonville.

About Aorangi Lodge

Aorangi Lodge began as a city lodge and remained so for many years; the majority of its members were professional people who worked, and often lived, in the inner city and suburbs. Today it embraces a wider range of vocations with members coming from as far afield as Te Horo and the Wairarapa, but with a significant number from the city’s northern suburbs.

Aorangi continues to be one of the largest lodges in the District of the North Island with fifty members. It enjoys a close relationship with all the English Constitution Lodges in the lower North Island, particularly with Sir Donald McLean Lodge 1646 in Waitara, Mount Egmont Lodge 670 in New Plymouth, and also with St Alban’s Lodge 2597 in Christchurch.

The Lodge is a dining lodge. Immediately following its meetings it sits down to dinner, where members can enjoy each other’s company with fine food, great conversation and a programme of formal and not so formal toasts.

Aorangi Lodge enjoys an active social programme during the year with functions that include wives and partners, ranging from the informality of the Summer BBQ (with children), Ladies Night Dinner at a restaurant in Wellington or the Hutt Valley in July, and a pre-Christmas Lunch in the city.

For well over one hundred years Aorangi Lodge has built a reputation for its friendliness and the opportunity for its members to enjoy their Freemasonry. The Installation Meeting at the end of the year is the high point of our masonic calendar.

New Members

If you are interested in becoming a member of a Lodge and of the wider fraternity of Freemasonry, we will be pleased to discuss this with you. Again, in the first instance, please contact our Lodge Secretary.

The website of the United Grand Lodge of England, presents a very good overview of Freemasonry and is recommended to anyone who is interested in becoming a member. The other sections of the District Grand Lodge website (which you are now visiting) will give a comprehensive insight into our Lodges in the North Island, New Zealand.

Meeting at 25 Philip Street, Johnsonville, Wellington.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the second Wednesday of each month from April to October tyling at 6.00pm except for the installation meeting in November which tyles at 3.00pm.

Tyling is at 6:30pm

The Installation meeting is in November

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Will Wood

Phone: 027 484 9005

1655 Corinthian Lodge Thames

Lodge History:

The Corinthian Lodge, No.  1655, under the United Grand Lodge of England, was founded on the fifth day of October 1876, and consecrated on Thursday, the 16th day of November 1876 at the Masonic hall, Queen Street, Thames, by W.Bro. M. S. Leers, P.M. No. 942 Deputy District Grand Master, pro tem, assisted by W.Bro. G. S. Graham, P.M. No. 689 as D.S.G.W. and W.Bro. W. R. Robinson as D.J.G.W., W.Bro. Edward Thomas Wildman, P.M. No. 927 E.C.,  being the first Master.

The names of the Brethren who signed the Charter were E. T. Wildman, Louis Ehrenfried    (a brewer), Henry Goldsmith, Alexander Aiten, Edwin Wise Hollis, Alfred George Horton   (a newspaper publisher) , John Edwin MacDonald, and others.

The Charter dated 23rd of November, 1876 received from the United Grand Lodge of England, was signed by Skelmersdale, D.G.M. and John Hervey, G.S.

The monthly meetings of the Corinthian Lodge have been held regularly ever since without a break. In the year 1928 the building in Martha Street was completed, and the Lodge shifted from the Masonic Hall, Queen Street to the new temple. During the first year of its existence the Lodge was under the jurisdiction of the district grand Lodge for the North Island of New Zealand, headquarters at Wellington but in 1877 District Grand Lodge of Auckland was founded and consequently it came under the latters jurisdiction, until the District Grand Lodge of North Island of New Zealand was again formed.

Meeting at 760 Pollen Street, Thames.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on every second Saturday of each month from February to November.

Tyling is at 1:30 pm

The Installation  meeting is on the fourth Saturday in August.

Tyling at 1.00 pm

Informal Lodges of Instruction are on the second and third Tuesdays of each month at the Lodge Rooms at 10.30am.

Note: Ladies are welcome to attend lunch following Lodge meetings and Instructions.

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Kerry Doherty

Phone: 027 938 2383


2073 Duke of Albany Lodge Helensville

Lodge History:

On July 1st 1884 seven brethren, all members of English Lodges, met at the Terminus Hotel, Helensville and determined to form a Freemason’s Lodge in the town; the Lodge to meet “on the Tuesday night on or before the full moon of every month”.

Our Lodge was constituted and dedicated on 2nd September 1884 when W Bro William Lodder was installed as our first Master. This meeting was held at Foresters’ Hall (which later became The Star Theatre) and was attended by brethren from the Scottish, Irish and English Constitutions. The furniture and pedestals necessary for this ceremony were loaned by Remuera Lodge and later gifted to The Duke.

At the October meeting we are told that five candidates were initiated, followed by three more at the next meeting. During the first year fifteen candidates were initiated. This called for some serious work within the Lodge and it is recorded that the December 1884 meeting opened at 8pm and closed (in ‘peace, love and harmony’) at 1.30am

As meetings were held “on the Tuesday on or before 

the full moon” there were occasions when two meeting were held in one month. This is incredible when we consider that our members are recorded as coming from as far afield as Paparoa, Pouto, Port Albert, Maungaturoto, Wellsford and Riverhead. The geographical position of Helensville on the southern part of the Kaipara Harbour explains our connection with these settlements.

Over the years we have met at a number of venues, including Oddfellows’ Hall and Presbyterian Church until we settled in Kowhai Street. However, on 23rd November 1939, disaster struck in the form of a fire which destroyed our home; the building and contents, including all our records from 1909 to 1924, were destroyed.

Our present building was soon built and furnished with thanks to Lodges and brethren from the wider Masonic community and the hard work of the then members. The first meeting in the new building was held on 23rd May 1941 and we have continued to meet happily in Kowhai Street and welcome visiting brethren since that date.

Meeting at the Masonic Centre, 9 Kowhai St, Helensville.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month with the exception of December and January.

Tyling is at 7:30pm

The Installation  meeting is in October
Having Tyled in the afternoon and called off, the Lodge Calls on at 6.45pm, receives visitors at 7pm and DGL at 7.15pm.

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Tony Petrie

Phone: 027 837 9551


1530 Eden Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:

The petition to Grand Lodge for the formation of this Lodge dates from April 1874, with the first installation, and consecration, being held in 1878. W.Bro. J. Warren was installed on this occasion, and again in 1881.

The Lodge first met in a room at the Rising Sun Hotel in Karangahape Road, Auckland. The Lodge eventually purchased some land almost opposite the Rising Sun (a site that is now a bridge over the motorway) and built their first Lodge room, which was consecrated in 1879.

It was eventually decided that this Lodge room was too small and a site in Belgium Street (now Upper Queen Street) was purchased. while the new Lodge room was being built, the Lodge met in the Oddfellows Hall in Pitt Street.

The Belgium Street (Upper Queen Street) building was consecrated in 1911, and the Lodge remained there until moving to its current site in 1987.

The Upper Queen Street building has just recently (July 2003) been demolished to make way for an eight story apartment block, and the contents of the time capsule that was embedded in the foundation stone in 1911 were recovered.

The original foundation stone is to be incorporated into the new building so as to bring a little bit of the history from the old to the new.


A list was made by the then District Grand Secretary (W.Bro. W.W. Daw) of the items that were placed in the time capsule, and this list was discovered in the District office by the current District Grand Secretary, VW.Bro. Bruce McMurtrie.

Parchment containing names of all subscribing members of the Eden Lodge, together with the names of the Officers of the District Grand Lodge of Auckland for 1911.
History of the Lodge written by W.Bro. Harry Robinson, secretary.
A set of coins of the realm; vis: Silver 5/-; 4/-; 2/6; 2/-; 1/-; two 6d; two 3d. Copper two 1d; two 1/2d; two farthings.
Photographs of: R.Wor. Bro. J.R. Reed DGM; W.Bro. A.S. Bankart DDGM; W.Bro. W. Rylance PDGD; W.Bro. W.W. Daw DGSec; W.Bro. F.C. Davey, Master of Eden Lodge.
List of Lodges under the District Grand Lodge of Auckland.
Copy of VSL.
Copy of ‘Auckland Star’ and ‘Herald’.

Unfortunately, the only items that survived the water that had entered the capsule were the coins; both newspapers and the VSL (although the first few pages of that were damaged); and the photos of J.R. Reed and A.S. Bankart (although they are both badly damaged). There is also a programme of the stone laying that is almost falling apart.
The pages of the newspapers will be laminated and put on display in the current Lodge room and the coins will be cleaned and mounted for display. Seeing there was no NZ currency in 1911, the coins are obviously English and bear the heads of Queen Victoria, King Edward VII and King George V.

Meeting at Masonic Centre, 9A Robert Street, Ellerslie

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month with the exception of December and January.

Tyling is at 7:30pm

The Installation meeting is in July

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Pol Candia

Phone: 021 570 303

2138 Franklin Lodge Hikurangi

Lodge History:


Meeting at the Masonic Centre, 17 Albert Street, Whangarei.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month with the exception of December and January.

Tyling is at 6:30 PM

The Installation meeting is in April

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: John Robinson

Phone: 027 546 1852


2180 Harmony Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:

Founded 26th May 1886. Membership 58.

Originally met at the Old Public Hall in the main street of Otahuhu. Then in premises own Lodge room in the main street of Otahuhu.

On the 24th of August 1968, a new building was dedicated at the above address. The present building is occupied also by Lodge Panmure 393 NZC in joint ownership administered by the Otahuhu Masonic Centre.

The Lodge of Harmony and the District Charitable Trust help the Foundation for the Blind

Letter received from:

Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind

September 2003

To our sponsors: The Brethren of the Lodge of Harmony No. 2180 EC., with the support of the North Island English Masonic District Charitable Trust

Thank you for your sponsorship of titles for our audio collection. When we be gan the recording of these books we sent you a sample cassette to show you how the Library’s borrowers are made aware of your generosity. Now we are pleased to let you see how your sponsorship is recorded in our catalogue. Every three to six months we produce a publication called Sound and Touch which lists all the books recently added to our audio and braille collections. In due course we will produce a new volume of our comprehensive catalogue of talking books, Sound Reading, which will replace these updates but include the same annotations.

This is how your sponsorship appears in print in the June issue of Sound and Touch:

Youth by J.M. Coetzee . London: Secker & Warburg, 2002. In the 1950s a student in South Africa plots an escape from his native country, from the stifling love of his mother, from a father whose failures haunt him and from what he is sure is an impending revolution. However, arriving at last in London, he begins the dark pilgrimage of an outsider. Read by Paul Barrett on 1 cassette, 5:30 hours. RNZFB. Sponsored by the Brethren of The Lodge of Harmony No 2180 E.C., with the support of the North Island English Masonic District Charitable Trust. TB6937

The blood doctor by Barbara Vine . London: Viking, 2002. Lord Nanther embarks on a biography of his great-grandfather, the first Lord Nanther, physician extraordinary to Queen Victoria and an expert on blood diseases. What he uncovers begins to horrify him as he realises that Nanther died a guilty man, carrying a horrific secret to the grave. Read by Dominic Blaazer on 3 cassettes, 13:45 hours. RNZFB. Sponsored by the Brethren of the Lodge of Harmony No 2180 E.C., with the support of the North Island English Masonic District Charitable Trust. TB6939

Please accept our thanks once again; your generous sponsorship is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Ann Cooper

Audio Production Coordinator

Meeting at Ellerslie Masonic Centre, 9A Robert Street.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the second Wednesday of March, May, September, October and December

Tyling is at 7:30pm

The Installation meeting is in October

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: John Robinson

Phone: 027 546 1852


670 Mount Egmont Lodge New Plymouth

Lodge History:

SHORT SUMMARY OF LODGE HISTORY On the 5th of September 1843 the officers of Australian Social Lodge No.260 I.C. located in Sydney, New South Wales, issued a dispensation to Past Master William Leech and other Masons of Auckland to enable them to form a Masonic Lodge that subsequently became known as Ara Lodge No. 348 I.C.

Mount Egmont Lodge first met on the 15th of September 1853 under temporary dispensation from Ara Lodge. It met upstairs at William Black’s Bakery in New Plymouth. Those present were Past Masters William Leech, John Richard Lawson, John Newland and Brothers Henry Wright, William Black, John McDonald, Alexander King and Richard Brown. John Prout was initiated as a serving brother to act as Tyler. James Craig Sharland, a merchant, and James Yems, an auctioneer, were the first Candidates, both being initiated at the following meeting which took place on 12 October 1853. The first Master was John Newland and the first Secretary was Richard Brown. William Black was the second Master.

Mt Egmont Lodge first acted under Warrant of Constitution from the United Grand Lodge of England on the 27th of December 1856, and was assigned the number 968. It was subsequently renumbered in 1863 as No. 670 E.C. Thus was laid the foundation of Freemasonry on the West Coast of the North Island of New Zealand.

May every super- structure resting on this foundation be solid, its building sure, and its members numerous and happy.

Meeting at the Masonic Hall, 9 Lawry Street, New Plymouth

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the first Saturday of February,April, June, August, October and December.
The Installation meeting is in August

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: John Miller

Phone: 027 499 5845


1878 Northern Light Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:

Founded in Kawakawa in 1880. Shifted to Norfolk St. Whangarei in 1998 and became a study lodge. When the Norfolk Street building was sold, the Lodge met at Hikurangi for two meetings. Started meeting at the Ellerslie Masonic Centre, Auckland from the beginning of 2006.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the second Tuesday of March, June, September and December

Tyling is at 10:30am

The Installation meeting is in March

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Russell Chilton

Phone: 021 042 9147


1930 Opotiki Lodge Opotiki

Lodge History:

Masonic activity started early in 1881 when fourteen masons, seven English, five Irish and two Scottish constitution members petitioned the English District Grand Lodge in Auckland for a warrant to form a Lodge in Opotiki.

The first installation meeting on the 2nd of June 1881, installed Bro R.S. Rush as the first Master.

Meetings were first held in the Settlers Hall, Church Street, next to the present Royal Hotel. The Lodge met there, then later in the Opotiki Hotel.

In 1891 the first Masonic hall was built on a site next to the Masonic Hotel, but together with all records was destroyed by fire in September 1895.

To establish a new home, the Lodge purchased the Opotiki Town Hall building on the corner of St Johns and Main Street (the street is now named Elliot Street) and met there until 1908.

The property was then sold, the Lodge retaining sufficient land to build a new Masonic Hall.

In 1982, the Lodge moved again into a newly built Masonic Hall across the road from the previous premises in St Johns street.

Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at the Masonic Centre, 125 St John Street, Opotiki.

The Lodge meets on the second Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December.

Tyling is at 1.45 pm

The Installation meeting is in October on the Saturday preceding the Third Monday. Tyling 1.45pm, Visitors 2.15pm and Distinguished Guests at 2.30pm

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Ray Wilson

Phone: 027 588 8433


942 Port Chalmers Marine Lodge Hawke's Bay

Lodge History:

Consecrated 27th November 1862


The Lodge was consecrated in Port Chalmers on 27th November 1862. W Bro Ezekiel Nathan first Master of The Dunedin Lodge installed Bro Moritz Samuel Leers as the first Master of Port Chalmers Marine Lodge, and W Bro Sydney James, a member of The Lodge of Otago, assisted the installing officer.

 The first Secretary was Henry Thompson who later moved to Christchurch where he joined St Augustine Lodge 609EC, later No.4 NZC.  He became Grand Master of the Canterbury District, and later appointed the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand on its formation. The formation of the GLNZ appears not to have impacted significantly on the membership of Port Chalmers Marine, and frequent visits occurred between local lodges of the two constitutions. 

The aftermath of WWI included an influenza epidemic, the sale of the Union Steamship Company, many employees of which were PCML members, and the Great Depression, all of which the Lodge managed to survive. Post WWII there was an increase in membership and by 1959 the number of members rose to 115, but from the Lodge centenary in 1962 membership fell to 42 in 1999.

From 2000 onwards the Lodge barely kept afloat, in an attempt to stem the tide in September of 2004 it was resolved to sell the Lodge building in Wickliffe Terrace, and in October it was resolved that PCML become a daylight lodge.

Moving North 

On 27th October 2004 the Lodge voted to return the Charter, and the Warrant transferred to 9A Robert Street Ellerslie Auckland (DGLNINZ) where the Lodge met from 2005 until the 13th September 2008 when W Bro John Miller was installed as the first Master at the new location in Taradale, Napier, Hawke’s Bay. The Lodge prospered under his guidance, and with the support of many members not resident in Hawke’s Bay.

The Lodge celebrated its sesquicentennial in 2012 under direction of the Master W Bro Bruce MacConnell, the present Secretary. The event was a real festival of Freemasonry with all constitutions well represented, in which the DGM dedicated a magnificent new Lodge banner made possible by the generosity of Aorangi Royal Arch Chapter 2300 EC. 


Port Chalmers Marine Lodge remains in good heart with an average membership of 35-40 members.  There remains a strong and loyal representation from outside Hawke’s Bay from those members who were instrumental in moving the charter to Napier. The Lodge is financially sound, and with four regular meetings annually an attractive proposition for potential members.

All inquiries should be addressed to the Secretary W. Brother Bruce MacConnell

August 2019

Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at the Omarunui Masonic Centre, 8 Elbourne Street, Taradale, Hawke’s Bay.

The Lodge meets on the third Saturday March, May August and November.

Tyling is at 3.00 pm

The Installation meeting is in August

Informal Lodges of Instruction are on: TBA

A Management Meeting is held on: TBA

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Bruce MacConnell

Phone: (06) 843 0295

1338 Prince of Wales Auckland

Lodge History:


Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the second Thursday of each month with the exception of January.

Tyling is at 7:30pm

The Installation meeting is in September (Tyling at 6:15)

Lodge of Instruction is held every Thursday at the Lodge Rooms at 7.30pm.

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Nick Rogers

Phone: 09 366 1338

1710 Remuera Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:

On 28th February 1877 at a meeting in the old Newmarket Hotel it was decided to form a new Lodge, ‘Lodge Remuera” with W.Bro W Lodder, P.M. Waitemata Lodge 689 as Master. Officers & Brethren of Prince of Wales Lodge recommended the petition to the District Grand Master, so, Prince of Wales is Remuera’s ‘Mother Lodge.’ Bro Cunningham offered a room at the Hotel for the use of the Lodge @ £12.0.0. per annum. The Lodge was issued with its dispensatory warrant on 26th day of March 1877.

The Inaugural meeting took place on 11th April 1877 . There were 14 subscribing members & 32 visitors. The dispensatory warrant was issued on 26th March 1877 & finally issued its warrant on11th June 1877. In those days Masonic gatherings were reported on in the N.Z.Herald & the Inaugural Meeting was commented on at length the following day.Meetings were held to consider our own premises. There was some delay in coming to a decision as in 9/79 the Treasurer’s balance was 8/5d! However tenacity was brought to bear on the problem & the site at 82 

Remuera Road was bought for £112.10.0d. In late 1880 a tender of £490.0.0 was accepted. The Treasurer did not have a very cheerful New Year message in ’87: the bank balance was 1/6d & arrears were £100.0.0d ! But back to November 1880 when the Temple was consecrated. The N.Z Herald reported on 10/11/88 that the ‘New & handsome edifice erected by the Brethren of the Lodge Remuera was consecrated yesterday.

Meetings continued at 82 Remuera Road, however, the financial situation became increasingly difficult due to the maintenance required for an old building.

With the proposed erection of the English Masonic Centre at Ellerslie we decided, reluctantly to sell to Terry Winn, photographer who made a magnificent job of restoring the building. Our last meeting at 82 Remuera Road was in December 1992. We moved to Ellerslie in September 1993. In the interim period we were accommodated, appropriately by Prince 0f Wales Lodge (Our Mother Lodge’).

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets on the second Monday of each month with the exception of January and February.

Tyling is at 6:30pm

The Installation meeting is in June (Tyling at 6:15)

Informal Lodges of Instruction are on the first and last Mondays of each month at the Lodge Rooms at 7pm.

A Management Meeting is held at the EMC at 6pm on the First Monday of each month.

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Graham Wilson

Phone: (09) 579 4494 or 027 205 7999

1711 Rodney Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:


Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at 10 Baxter Street, Warkworth (above New World).

The Lodge meets on the first Wednesday of each month with the exception of January and February.
Tyling is at 7:30pm

The Installation meeting is in May

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Malcolm Bartlam

Phone: 022 166 3352


1801 Saint George Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:


Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at the Masonic Centre, 14 Rodney Rd, Northcote.

The Lodge meets on:

Last Monday of February, March, May, July and August

Second Monday in October and December .

Tyling is at 6:30pm

The Installation meeting is in March

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Jonathan Brooks

Phone: 021 079 8499

1646 Sir Donald McLean Lodge New Plymouth

Lodge History:

Sir Donald McLean (1820-1877), then the District Grand Master for the North Island of New Zealand, issued a dispensatory warrant on 6 July 1876 authorising the formation of our Lodge, and the inaugural meeting was held on 15 August 1876 at Waitara, then called Raleigh. The charter was issued in London on 11 October 1876. The inaugural meeting was attended by eleven members and 37 visitors, nearly all of the visitors coming from the Mount Egmont Lodge No. 670 EC and the De Burgh Adams Lodge No. 446 IC of New Plymouth, and both of those Lodges have maintained a close relationship with our Lodge ever since.

Sir Donald McLean died on 5 January 1877, only a few months after our Lodge was formed, and before he had any opportunity of visiting our Lodge. The only physical links of Sir Donald to his namesake Lodge are:

  • The Dispensatory Warrant as signed by Sir Donald hangs in our temple.
  • Sir Donald’s District Grand Master’s Apron and regalia hang on the wall of our temple.
  • A number of photographs of Sir Donald adorn the walls of our temple and refectory.

The four craft tracing boards in our Lodge were all designed and painted by Bro. Hurst (member of Mount Egmont Lodge No. 670 EC), and the three craft degree tracing boards were presented to our Lodge in 1887, and the fourth tracing board (opened for a board of installed masters) was presented by Bro. Hurst in 1888. All of these tracing boards are still in use in our Lodge.

Our Lodge underwent a decline in membership and activity in the 1890’s and early 1900’s, and the Lodge minutes for that period are replete with references to lapsed meetings and problems in collecting dues in arrears. This reminds us that freemasonry undergoes periodic cycles of expansion and contraction, and our present period of decline is not permanent but is part of the cycle of Masonic membership which waxes and wanes several times in the course of a century.
In 1898 our Lodge voted unanimously to remain an English Constitution Lodge rather than join the then new New Zealand Constitution.
The Lodge’s revival from this period of stagnation began in 1909 when Bro. Colson was installed as Master. He was evidently a vigorous and dynamic master who soon restored membership and enthusiasm, to the extent that in 1911 the Lodge was able to acquire the section which our temple still occupies at 20 Domett Street, Waitara, and then to build our temple which was completed in 1914.

An interesting feature of the temple is that the sand in the pavement was acquired from Jerusalem.
The temple was enlarged in 1929. In 1931 occurred the first official visit from Aorangi Lodge No. 2300 EC of Wellington to work a degree at our Lodge. A pattern of Annual Visits was established which is still going strong over 70 years later, with the two Lodges alternating their annual visits to each other, so that we visit Aorangi one year and they visit us the following year. The Director of Ceremonies’ baton has a small plate recording it was donated to our Lodge in 1913 by Aorangi Lodge No. 2300 EC.

There was another major revival in our membership in the late 1940’s, with 12 members joining 1948-1950.
In 1959, the Temple was further enlarged and the present refectory and other ancillary rooms were added.
By 1962 the waiting list of new members was so long that W Bro. Bruce Orchard conferred with the District Grand Master and applied for a dispensation to hold extra meetings to initiate them.

Our Lodge centenary was 1976 when W Bro. Barlow was the Master.
Membership has declined in recent times, but we should remember that membership is cyclical and always been in freemasonry.

Notes on the Life of Sir Donald McLean (1820-1877):
Sir Donald is not well known nowadays, but he was a prominent civil servant and politician in 19th century New Zealand.

He was born in 1820 on the island of Tiree off the coast of Scotland, the fourth son of his family. His father died when he was young and he was raised by his maternal grandfather, a Presbyterian Minister. He left his Highland home in 1838 at the age of 17, bound for Australia, and never returned to Scotland. Arriving in Australia in 1839, he worked on sheep stations for a year, and was then sent to New Zealand by an employer who had timber interests at Auckland. In New Zealand, he became fluent in the Maori language and in 1844 was appointed as an interpreter in the office of Protector of Aborigines, later the Native Affairs Department and then still later The Maori Affairs Department. After initial training, he was sent to New Plymouth as sub-protector of Aborigines, arriving 28 August 1844. He played a prominent role in Pakeha-Maori relations in early Taranaki, and negotiated the purchase of Bell Block and Fitzroy for the white colonists. As a result he was appointed Native Commissioner and Land Purchase Agent in the newly formed Native Department.

In 1845 he made extensive explorations on foot in the interior of the North Island, becoming one of the few Europeans to have visited Lake Taupo at that time. In 1846 he was at Wanganui to negotiate a settlement of the Maori troubles that had broken out there. In the following years he negotiated extensive purchases of land from the Maori in Hawkes Bay and the Wairarapa.

In 1859 he returned to Taranaki to negotiate a resolution of the Waitara controversy, and presumably he would have visited at this time the land on which Waitara now stands. After he thought he had resolved matters, he left, leaving the details to be finalised by Mr Parris, but unfortunately Mr Parris let things get out of control and the Taranaki land wars started the next year.

In the early 1860’s, Donald McLean was closely involved in the Government’s negotiations with the Maori King movement, but in 1863 he resigned his official posts and moved to Hawkes Bay where he planned to enter national and provincial politics in which he thought he would be freer from control by the Governor. He also planned to develop the 30,000 acre Maraekakaho block in Hawkes Bay which he had acquired for himself in 1855. He was immediately appointed Government Native Agent for East Coast and Hawkes Bay and as such, was very involved in the Maori rebellion which occurred in Hawkes Bay in 1866 and the troubles which followed the escape of the Maori resistance fighter Te Kooti from the Chathams in the late 1860’s.

Meantime, he had carried out his plan of entering local and national politics by being elected superintendent of Hawkes Bay province in 1863 and MP for Napier in 1866, which Parliamentary seat he held until his death in 1877. In 1869 he became Minister for Native Affairs which portfolio he held for the rest of his life except for one brief period. His term as Native Affairs Minister was notable for finally achieving peace between Pakeha and Maori.

He died at Napier on 5 January 1877, at the relatively young age of 56, worn out from his exertions as a peace maker between Maori and Pakeha.

Little is known of his career as a freemason, although because he died in office as District Grand Master of the North Island of New Zealand, it may be inferred he must have been a very keen and enthusiastic Freemason. He was initiated in New Zealand Pacific Lodge No. 758 EC (now No. 2 NZC). In Hawkes Bay he joined in 1863 The Scinde Lodge No. 419 IC. He became DGM for the North Island of New Zealand in the English Constitution on 24 June 1876, only six months before his decease. Little else appears to be known about his Masonic career, and in fact the index to his biography published in 1940 has no entries relating to Freemasonry – and we infer that his biography does not mention he was a Freemason.

As to his private life, he married Susan Strang in 1850, by whom he had his one legitimate child, Douglas (later Sir Douglas) McLean. His wife died soon after the birth of their only son and child, and Sir Donald never remarried. The son of that marriage, Douglas McLean, also achieved distinction and became a Knight of the Realm. The son, Douglas McLean, developed the 30,000 acre family station at Maraekakaho in Hawkes Bay into a model station, and became a well-known breeder of champion livestock. Sir Douglas McLean was also very involved in local body politics in Hawkes Bay, and served one term in parliament in the 1890’s representing a Hawkes Bay seat. Sir Douglas in turn only had one son, who died in the 1920’s from World War 1 wounds without reproducing, so Sir Donald McLean’s descendants in the direct male line have become extinct. However, he does have living descendants today, because the son Sir Douglas McLean had at least two daughters, one of whom married Vice Admiral Fountaine of Narford Hall in Norfolk, U.K. The descendants of that marriage still own Narford Hall in Norfolk. We have no knowledge of the descendants of Sir Douglas McLean’s other daughter or daughters but presumably Sir Donald will have living descendants via them as well. Sir Donald McLean also had an illegitimate son by a Maori woman who became one of Te Kooti’s lieutenants and was killed in action in the Te Kooti campaigns. It is not known if this illegitimate son left any issue.

Sir Donald McLean and his son and grandson are all buried together on Bluff Hill in Napier. The main rugby ground in Napier, McLean Park, is named after the family.

Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at the Masonic Centre, 9 Lawry Street, New Plymouth

The Lodge meets on the first Tuesday of each month with the exception of June and December when the Lodge will meet on the first Saturday.

There are no meetings in January and February.

Tyling is at 7.30

The Installation meeting is on 1st Saturday in June

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Grant Bovaird

Phone: 027 427 7785


1647 Star of the North Lodge Whangarei

Lodge History:

The Star of the North Lodge, under the UGLE, is the oldest Lodge in Northland, being consecrated on Wednesday 27th September 1876 in Walton St, Whangarei. The Lodge has had several “Homes” within the City and now resides at the Whangarei Masonic Centre, Albert Street.

The present day WM, IPM, SW & JW chairs were presented in 1912 to the Lodge, with the oldest chair still in use being dated 1885 and is used for the DGM or his representative.

The Star of the North Lodge also holds one of the few Masonic Ceremonies to the Returned Services on the closest Lodge night to the 11th November. This is an open Ceremony to all that wish to come along, and which has been preformed, in most, the same since 1938. Each year a Guest speaker reflects on their time in the Forces while many of the Lodges in the Northland District support this event by participating.

The Lodge runs as a dining Lodge, Tyling at 6pm. We are a very social Lodge, with many Lodge evenings having Ladies, Partners and Visitors sharing refectory, within the complex or going out to a restaurant.

We welcome all Masons and also any person who would like to know more and participate.

Meeting at the Masonic Centre, 17 Albert Street, Whangarei.

The Lodge meets on the third Wednesday in the months of February to November inclusive.

Tyling is at 6:00pm

The Installation meeting is in April

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Graham Rogerson

Phone: 021 308 069


2221 Te Awamutu Lodge Taupo

Lodge History:


Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at the Freemasons Centre, 711 Mapara Rd, RD5, Taupo

The Lodge meets on the fourth Saturday of February, March, April, June, July, August, October and November.

Tyling at 2pm

The Installation meeting is held in April

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Graham Wilson

Phone: (09) 579 4494 or 027 205 7999

705 Tongariro Lodge Wanganui

Lodge History:

This Lodge was founded in 1857 an met in the rutland hotel. The Lodge has met regularly since then and has a complete set of minute books.

The Lodge along with the St Andrew Kilwining(SC) as it was then, built Lodge Rooms in Bell Street Wanganui in 1886, and met there until 1999, when new rooms were built in Dublin Street. The Lodge has many historic connections with the city.

Some of the Lodge furniture is made from the Rutland Stockade which was on the hill where the cenotaph now stands.

Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at 36 Dublin Street, Wanganui.

The Lodge meets on the third Thursday of each month with the exception of December and January.
Tyling is at 7:30pm
The Installation meeting is in March Tyling at 6.30 pm

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Lyndsey Young

Phone: 0272242253

1480 Turanganui Lodge Gisborne

Lodge History:

Turanganui was the first Masonic Lodge to be established in Gisborne. It was consecrated on Monday 1 June 1874. It is the first Lodge to see the sun on any day, being the most easterly Lodge of the date meridian. The Lodge has a membership of 24. The Lodge rooms are owned in partnership with Lodge Montrose SC. The usual meeting time is 7:30pm

Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at the Masonic Rooms, 188 Childers Rd, Gisborne.

The Lodge meets on the third Monday of each month with the exception of January.

Tyling is at 7:30pm

The Installation meeting is in October

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Mervyn Harding

Phone: 027 386 2504


1721 United Manawatu Lodge Palmerston North

Lodge History:


Meeting Calendar:

Masonic Hall, 363 Church St, Palmerston North

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Ian Balt

Phone: 021 0295 3138


689 Waitemata Lodge Auckland

Lodge History:

Meeting Calendar:

Masonic Centre, 9A Robert Street.

The Lodge meets on 1st Wednesday Mar – Dec

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Nigel McLisky

Phone: 021 611 855


1521 Wellington Lodge Wellington

Lodge History:

When Wellington Lodge formed in 1874, the city supported a population of just 10547 citizens, but there were a number of Lodges which held meetings under their respective Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland. The initial membership was drawn from those working in the Public Service, many of them holding high office in their respective departments. In the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Grand Lodge of New Zealand was formed and several Lodges from the other Grand Lodges opted to transfer to the new Grand Lodge. Wellington Lodge however decided to continue as a Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England which now supports some 8000 lodges world-wide. In 2017 it celebrated its 300th anniversary making it one of the oldest fraternal organisations in existence.

The Lodge has an uninterrupted history of meetings for the past one hundred and forty-five years. It attracts members from many walks of life and has a significant group of young Masons who enjoy the character and ethos of the Lodge. It is a dining Lodge; the members sit down to their evening meal at the conclusion of each meeting. The Wellington Lodge website illustrates the lodge room and the Grand Dining Room in the Wellesley Boutique Hotel where the Lodge meets.

For the most part the Lodge has always met in the inner city where many of its members work and live. But it attracts members from a wide range of professions and trades and retains the interest of those who move away from Wellington but continue their interest as country members. Members range in age from mid-twenties to early nineties with some who have attended regularly for more than sixty years.

The Lodge welcomes new members. The Lodge website provides a good introduction for those who are interested in joining.

Meeting Calendar:

The Lodge meets in the Wellesley Boutique Hotel, 2-8 Maginnity Street, Wellington.

It meets on the THIRD Wednesday of each Month April to December inclusive.

It tyles at 6.30pm and the Installation Meeting is in June.

The Installation meeting is in June.

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Bob McKillop

Phone: (04) 238 2873

2072 Zealandia Lodge Kerikeri

Lodge History:


Meeting Calendar:

Meeting at James Kemp Hall, Kerikeri

The Lodge meets on the 1st Mon of Feb to Dec BUT Installation meeting on 2nd Sat of November.

Contact Details:

Lodge Secretary: Ian Skinner

Phone: 021 139 9285

It’s better to offer no excuse than a bad one.

― George Washington | Freemason

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