INSTALLATION: Corinthian Lodge No.1655
INSTALLATION: Corinthian Lodge No.1655
Secretary: Dave Ritchie corinthianlodge1655@gmail.com 021 236 1108 Tyling at 1.30pm with distinguished guests being admitted at 2.00pm
Secretary: Dave Ritchie corinthianlodge1655@gmail.com 021 236 1108 Tyling at 1.30pm with distinguished guests being admitted at 2.00pm
Secretary: Mike Jensen mel670@outlook.co.nz 06 364 3636 Tyling at 3.00pm with distinguished guests being admitted at 3.30pm
Secretary: Bruce MacConnell brucemacconnell@xtra.co.nz 027 444 3470 Tyling at 3.00pm with distinguished guests being admitted at 3.30pm